Prof. Dr. med Jochen KLUCKEN

LIH, CHL, LCSB, University of Luxembourg

Digital medecine


Prof. Dr. med. Jochen Klucken is a neurologist, neuroscientist, full professor and the FNR-PEARL Chair of Digital Medicine and head of the Digital Medicine (dMed) research group at the LCSB (Luxembourg Center for Systems Biomedicine) of the University of Luxembourg, the LIH (Luxembourg Institute of Health) and the CHL (Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg). Digital transformation in medicine utilizes better objective real world data and smarter algorithms - "artifical intelligence"- tailored to patients’ and healthcare providers’ needs, and requires a profound understanding of data-driven medicine (procedures) integrated into existing medical workflows and patients everyday life behaviour and its disease-dependent limitation. Digital Medicine Research includes engineering and data-research, IT-requirements, but also clinical knowledge, societal expectations in ethics, acceptance and regulation in order to enlighten the abilities of digitalization in medicine – and to avoid the down-sides coming with an unheard level of transparency.

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