

The Competence Centre’s mission is to support the development of the main strategic axes in the Luxembourg economy by creating and managing university-level continuing and professional education programmes. The Competence Centre is recognised for its ability to propose innovative training solutions that meet the educational objectives and the constraints and requirements of its various target audiences. The trainings are aimed at private individuals, employees, job seekers and liberal professions. The Competence Centre is also open to requests for tailor-made training programmes from companies wishing to develop their employees’ skills. The Competence Centre’s teams are composed of multidisciplinary profiles, specialists in continuing education and experts in face-to-face training and digital learning. Through synergies developed with the University of Luxembourg, our team relies on the expertise of faculties and interdisciplinary training centres as well as on a network of highly qualified professional experts in order to develop quality programmes. Partnerships with both public and private institutions as well as constant interactions with the professional world enable the Competence Centre to: develop high quality certificates and training programmes in collaboration with teachers and researchers of the University of Luxembourg as well as experts of various fields; organise MOOCs (“Massive Open Online Courses “) and large-scale trainings for students of the University of Luxembourg as well as for professionals; work on projects and studies in relation with the analysis and the development of skills and training plans; offer and manage two bachelors’ degrees to students coming from BTS (“Brevet de Technicien Supérieur”) study programmes. The Competence Centre builds upon a solid experience in educational engineering and learning design to provide its learners with state-of-the-art teaching as well as access to new technologies and methodologies using modern learning management systems. The learners and their needs are at the heart of the Competence Centre’s educational approach.



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Business sector

Institutions & Associations
