

Since its foundation in 2006, Zitha has experienced a tremendous development of its activities and a diversification of its services in a welcoming environment. The focus is on preventive health, based on personalised check-ups with professional diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. ZithaAktiv offers a preventive counselling and training programme. The qualified and polyvalent therapists at ZithaKiné carry out rehabilitation measures according to a doctor's prescription. ZithaMobil, with its multidisciplinary teams, offers home care and therapies for all ages. ZithaFoyers organises high-quality care and support in specialised day centres. ZithaRésidences provide sheltered accommodation for independent senior citizens looking for a safe home. ZithaSeniories, with their care homes, provide a new, welcoming home for seniors in need of care and disorientation. L'unité thérapeutique mobile indépendante en psychiatrie extrahospitalière ZithaUnit provides highly specialised care for patients with chronic psychiatric illnesses. Zitha offers integrative structures that are geared towards the needs of tomorrow's senior citizens.

Business sector

Technical aids & care
