Revolutionizing Complex Wound Management with Cutting-Edge Technologies

Oct 2, 202412:00 pm - 12:45 PM

Spotlight Stage

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"At Dermatoo, we understand that managing chronic wounds is a major challenge for healthcare facilities. With the increasing prevalence of these wounds among hospitalized patients, those in nursing homes, and those receiving care at home, as well as the frequent readmissions that result, it is essential to rethink care coordination and quality. To address these challenges, we are sharing the insights from our collaboration with the CHC Group (Liège, Belgium) to develop an innovative, interoperable platform that simplifies communication among healthcare professionals while integrating artificial intelligence to enhance patient monitoring. Through telemedicine and advanced digital tools, we optimize care management, reduce costs, and keep the patient at the center of our approach. Join us to discover how we can transform complex wound care and create a modern, efficient, and replicable care model that fully leverages digital technologies to provide the best possible outcomes for patients!

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