Catherine Wilhelmy


Faced with serious illness in her parents from the age of 10, Catherine learned early on the role of loved ones in illness and even in death. Later, other close ones, including her spouse, were affected by cancer. At the same time, she experienced the joy of being a biological mother, an adoptive mother, and, more recently, a grandmother. In 2018, she faced her own experience with cancer, with grim prognoses. It was during this time that an idea for improving the healthcare system led her to dive into patient partnership! Since then, with great joy, Catherine has been a patient partner in the healthcare system. In research, oncology care and services, teaching future clinicians, popularizing knowledge for the general public, and governance, she strives to take patient partnership as far as possible, because for her, it is a real way to bring a breath of fresh air to a system that greatly needs care itself as well.

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