
Alexis Vervialle began his professional career as a consultant in primary care organization in several regions in France. He then joined a representative organization of doctors, in Ile de France, to support primary care doctors in setting up multi-professional practices (health centers). Then, wishing to join the world of patients, he became a national advisor within the main French patient organization: France Assos Santé, whose goal is to defend the voice of patients, more broadly users, in a system still very focused on the provision of care. Within France Assos Santé, he carries out reflection work (think tank type) on the participation of patients / their associations in the health system but also supports concrete projects for patient involvement in the field, at the heart of health establishments. Also passionate about the transmission of knowledge, he also speaks in several faculties (EHESP, SCIENCE PO SAINT SGL, MINES PARITECH etc.) and, on request, in health organizations on his subjects of expertise.

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