Virginie CAYRÉ

Agence Régionale de Santé Grand Est

Directrice générale


Today, healthcare systems are all facing the same challenges: the management of chronic illnesses, an ageing population, the shift to preventive care, and the need to rethink care methods in a context where the demography of healthcare professionals is constrained or even severely constrained, depending on the specialty. They are also observing a loss of attractiveness, and even of meaning, in the healthcare professions, which is a cause for concern when it comes to building tomorrow's healthcare system. No country is unaffected by these developments, and it is appropriate that we should consider win-win cooperation on these issues. As far as we are concerned here, the two years of unprecedented health crisis have enabled us to strengthen solidarity and health cooperation between our countries. Today, we need to build on this experience, share public health challenges and work together to address the issues of access to healthcare for our border populations, under optimal conditions of safety and quality of care. Human resources in healthcare are the keystone, a major challenge for our healthcare systems, and an opportunity to innovate. We all have to learn from each other and work together on these issues for the benefit of the health of our citizens.

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