Healthcare Week Luxembourg

HWL, an event definitely focused on the future

Explore the future of healthcare: a Greater-Region conference and trade show focused on governance,
technology, patient satisfaction, research and education

Because the challenges of our Health Systems are manifold

Healthcare Week brings together key players from Health and Social Care. On the initiative of the FHL, it's 2 days of conferences and debates with key sector players. It's also an exhibition bringing together key actors of the Health and Social Care ecosystem. "Here we open the debate towards the future of our Health Systems," emphasizes Philippe Turk, President of the FHL. This includes topics of data, research, HR, training, development... At HWL, the perspective is cross-border. "The ambition is to build a quadrilateral cooperation, reflecting our economic basin."

Healthcare Week Luxembourg A flagship event for the health sector

An initiative of the Federation of Luxembourg Hospitals (FHL), organized in conjunction with the events agency Quinze Mai, Healthcare Week Luxembourg is a cross-border trade fair dedicated to meetings and actions to be implemented to strengthen our healthcare system. With thousands of participants expected, and unprecedented opportunities to develop national and cross-border relations, Healthcare Week Luxembourg promises to be a flagship event for the healthcare sector. In addition to its central location at the heart of Europe and a Greater Region covering an area of over 11.7 million inhabitants, Luxembourg has a unique healthcare sector, with many cross-border and expatriate patients and staff, and a perpetual mix of multiple nationalities. This situation presents the sector with cultural, social, economic and political challenges, both nationally and across borders.

They took the stage at HWL in 2024

Like more than 150 speakers, they shared their vision to allow us to explore the future of Health.

Bogi Eliasen’s insight

Director of Health,
Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies

Giovanni Briganti’s insight

Professor, Head of Computational Medicine and Neuropsychiatry UMONS - Chair of AI & Digital Medicine

Marc Berna's insight

Groupe Hôpitaux Robert Schuman

Bert Verdonk’s insight

Luxembourg National Data Service (LNDS)

Christophe von Kalle's insight

BIH & Charité Clinical Study Center/ BIH Chair for Clinical Translational Sciences

Christelle Ratignier-Carbonneil's insight

 Director General
Regional Health Agency (ARS) Grand Est

Scientific Committee

Our Scientific Committee is currently being finalized.
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The Federation of Luxembourg Hospitals (FHL) was founded in 1948 and formally recognised as an association in 1965. It encompasses all the hospitals in Luxembourg, with a total of 9,000 employees and more than 1,000 specialist doctors. The FHL contributes to the continuous improvement of the national health system in the interest of the patient. It facilitates collaboration and complementarity between hospitals and various other players in the sector in order to offer patients the most appropriate care. As a federation, the FHL supports the interests of its members and of health professionals in general and promotes innovation and progress in hospitals in all forms. Its mission is also to inform and guide political decision-makers on the vision and strategic developments of the Luxembourg hospital sector and the health sector as a whole. As a non-profit organisation, the FHL acts completely independently.

Quinze Mai is the result of the merger of two event agencies: PG Organisation, which has been designing trade and consumer shows for over 40 years, and Eventime, a certified PCO for conferences and seminars. The combination of these two areas of expertise enables us to offer tailor-made events. A partner of numerous learned societies, associations and federations, QM has organized over 300 congresses, trade shows and symposia in more than thirty specialties. Aware of the economic stakes and regulatory constraints of these events, its teams cover the full range of expertise specific to the sectors in question: from fundraising to digital platforms for abstract submission, content management and participant management. Quinze Mai strives to innovate and respond to its partners' challenges on a daily basis.