Prof. Michel KALIKA

Business Science Institute Luxembourg, Université Jean Moulin, IAE School of Management

Président, Professeur émérite


Prof. Michel Kalika, emeritus Professor, is the president of Business Science Institute, an international academic network providing an Executive Doctorate in Business Administration (AMBA accredited) in face-to-face (10 locations) and online formats, in French, English and German. In April 2022, the Business Science Institute DBA programme included 200+ doctoral manager-researchers from 44 countries, 80+ faculty members, 117 graduates, and a collection of 40 books dedicated to DBA studies. He is currently co-coordinating a book on the DBA written by authors from 8 leading DBA programmes in six countries. Previously, Michel Kalika was professor at iaelyon School of Management, University Jean Moulin, at university Paris Dauphine where he created DBA and MBA programmes, dean of EM Strasbourg Business School. He is the founder of the BSIS (Business School Impact System-EFMD-FNEGE). This process has so far been used in more than 60 Business Schools across 18 countries. Michel is the author or co-author of more than 25 books and approximately one hundred various other publications in the fields of strategy and information technology. 40 colleagues dedicated a book to him in 2019 entitled “Entrepreneur à l’Université”, EMS, 307 p.

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