Joëlle FRITZ

Luxembourg Institute of Health

Research and Strategy specialist in translation transversal medicine


Dr. Joëlle Fritz successfully defended her PhD within the University of Strasbourg where she studied the assembly process of HIV-1 viral particles. She moved on for a 2.5-year period to the Medical University of Heidelberg where she deepened her knowledge on HIV. In 2012, Dr. Fritz came back to her country of origin, Luxembourg, where she continued her work on infectious pathogens (HIV-1, Salmonella) within LCSB. In 2017, Dr. Fritz started to work as with Prof. Dr. Rejko Krüger for Integrated Care Networks (ParkinsonNet and Programme Démence Prévention). Dr. Fritz is currently Research and Strategy Specialist of Transversal Translational Medicine (TTM) at the LIH. TTM aims at enhancing the ability of biomedical stakeholder institutions to work translationally, fostering national and international bed-to-bench-to-bed collaborations and thereby acting as a bridge between fundamental research and clinical practice.